Saturday, December 25, 2010

How to Attract the Right People Into Your Network Marketing Business

You just came back from a two days convention where you leased a booth to showcase your products and company's printed materials. Dozens of visitors dropped by at your booth. Scores of brochures were given out. A few visitors actually entered your booth to hear your pitching about your super products. Four visitors bought a couple of sachets to try but none of them wanted to commit with a purchase of a bottle, let alone a case of four bottles of the juice.

But you did not feel any tinge of disappointment because your main purpose of participating in the convention was to get more contacts, preferably the right ones. As expected, you didn't return home empty-handed. You had a bunch of business cards in your pocket as well as high hopes to make some connection with them later.

So a day after the convention, you started making those anticipated calls. Some of them can't be reached while some of them are willing to meet up with you later. The success of making these appointments depend on a number of factors:

  1. The impression you made on him/her at the convention, when you met him at lunch there or when he came to your booth earlier.
  2. Your skill at making the appointment, depending on how much training you had earlier in your career.
  3. His present mood at the time he answered your call.
  4. His particular need and desire for your products or business opportunity.
  5. Your self image and your skill at listening. 
You can hardly tell the real outcome of all this effort instantly because it is a process. Lots of follow up have to be done after the initial contacts have been made. Sometimes you might meet a real gem of a person almost by accident. But some people don't want to call it an accident because 'REAL' accidents do not happen. 

Maybe you are already mentally prepared to meet that right guy. They call it the law of expectation. At first I did not want to believe it could happen to me. But then it happened. I recruited a guy several years ago who was initially very negative towards this industry. But when he saw the whole presentation, he was completely sold. Today he is one of my most successful distributor who is building a massive organization in India.

Do you want to learn the fine art of attracting the right people into your Network Marketing business?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Micronutrients In Your Diet

There are more in your diet than you may think. Micronutrients play an active role to determine whether what you are taking in your meals help your wellness or otherwise. Studies have shown that today Americans are taking only half of the body's requirements of vitamins and minerals but more than double the body's required fat.

Micronutrients are the minute substances in food such as vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Macronutrients, on the other hand are bigger substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. To achieve optimum health, we are supposed to have all the above food groups in a balanced diet. But 'balanced' does not mean in equal amount. Instead they must be in the right proportion.

Our body is made up of trillions of cells. To function well and be healthy, these cells need the following four items:

  1. Water
  2. Oxygen
  3. Food
  4. Blood Vessels
So are we taking the right food to ensure that all our cells are healthy? Bear in mind the following paradox about food:
  • Some substances in food are toxic. An example is the solanine produced by sprouting potatoes. Some substances fight toxin such as certain compounds found in cabbage.
  • Some foods such as saturated fat promotes the buildup of plaque in the arteries whereas other foods such as fiber in oats help to clean up the arteries.
  • Some foods carry additives that promote cancer development whereas other foods contain substances that prevent cancer.
Of late, we hear the popularity of food fads. We have to be really careful because some fads can cause detrimental of your health instead of improving it. Some people also take for granted that taking nutritional supplements can compensate their unbalanced diet. But there are no shortcuts to good nutrition.

 One way to ensure that you are getting the necessary micronutrients is to eat a variety of food so that whatever is lacking in one food can be compensated by another. You also have to keep up with the latest findings in food science, because new discoveries are being made almost everyday. More and more new micronutrients are found in food. These new substances may change the way you look at food.

For more information on micronutrients, take a look at this webpage:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Master Backhand Loop in Table Tennis

The backhand loop is one of the most difficult stroke in table tennis and many players tend to neglect it. But once mastered, it can be a very satisfying stroke and you can get lots of fun executing it. I remembered when as a student at University of Miami,Florida,some thirty years ago,I was watching some experienced players applying the technique and having lots of fun. But when I tried executing it, the ball either went flying into the air or just missed my bat and hit  my chest instead.
It was not until ten years later, playing at Boardwalk in Vancouver that I had a chance to get some coaching from an ex-National player of Hong Kong. He taught me  the right way to execute this delicate stroke. Wow, what a fun it was, after I had learnt the right technique! Now I became convinced that you can master anything if you get the right coach.
So my development as a table tennis player evolved slowly but surely from then on. I don't know how many of you out there share the same passion as me for this game. I remembered some days when I played practically from early morning to late evening, stopping only for a quick lunch in the afternoon. I am a player who find it hard to say NO to any invitation to have a round of table tennis. I remembered fondly those days when I could outplay my opponent not so much for my better skill but for my extra stamina in playing 'marathon' table tennis.
But as I became wiser, I realized that I could derive more pleasure from the game when I could play better. That means improving all the different strokes including the seemingly difficult backhand loop. 
Get more tips on how to master backhand loop by visiting: